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Artificial Genesis

Conceived by
Barry Cavin

MAY 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, & 25, 2024
7:00 pm

General Admission $20
Student Tickets $7


We offer a play written entirely by artificial intelligence. The play exists in the tension between the most human of arts and its most inhuman counterpoint. It chooses as its theme the end of the world brought about by artificial intelligence. So, it is a play by and about AI.


This play is supported, in part, from grants from the City of Fort Myers and the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.



Conceived & Directed by Barry Cavin


AI Interface Design and Programing by Emory Cavin

Performed by Alexandra Adams, Tatum Bates, and AI Voices




Arts Complex

Room 111

Florida Gulf Coast University

10501 FGCU Blvd. South










This production is not affiliated with Florida Gulf Coast University.










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